9 Hampton Brook Way, Mount Hope, Ontario, LOR1WO +1(866) 886 3730 admin@essencehealthservices.org #

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About Us

Our Approach to Health Care

We care for the whole person, see the complexity of each person’s life, and believe that addressing a broad range of human needs is the best way to improve a person’s health.

Essence Health Services continuously examine the services we provide and what is needed in the community. We look for cracks in the health care system, fill those, and move to fill new ones.

When other community resources develop to address those needs, we make intentional decisions to apply our resources differently.

Fact #1

Our Mission

Essence Health Services inspire hope and contribute to health and well-being by providing the best health care to every patient through integrated clinical practice, education and research. We also seek direction from patients through their guidance as members of our Board; we seek direction from other contacts using multiple methods. We believe that patients deserve to have timely access to health care and that our systems should reflect this value.

Fact #2

Our Vission

Essence Health Services provide an unparalleled experience as the most trusted partner for health care delivery and also work to be trusted by patients, a valued partner in the community, and creators of positive change.


Our Work Environment

In all we do, Essence Health Services actively pursue excellence and search for the next level of accomplishment.

  • We take pride in our work.
  • We create a dynamic, forward-moving, innovative organization.
  • Our integrity and ethics will never be compromised.
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